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Friday 25 November 2011

You Have 150 Words. Take A Risk

“Take A Risk,” it says. WELL. This is a risk – trying to write within a word limit.

If everyone else jumps off a cliff, would you? I would – if I was in Greece, and my friends were jumping off cliffs and into the ocean. It’s on my bucket list – “go to Greece. Bungee jump.” Sure, that’s two different things, but the point is, those are some things I want to do before I die. Of course, I could die tomorrow (Note to self: It been three days since that line was written. Touchwood); get run over by a bus maybe (hopefully not), and I won’t have done half the things on my list, but that’s not the point of me having made that list. It’s a way of remembering all the things I’ve seen done, and want to try for myself, sort of. Crossing out “items” on said list fills me up with a sense of achievement, even if it was something relatively lame. Here’s hoping I do find a cure for the common cold! (Don’t get me started on Humanities again. This is what humanities as a subject choice will lead to. Yes the “THIS” is a link. Go click it. Go on.)

150 words exactly^.  Leaves a lot wanting, but I tried my level best to get SOME point across, within staying in the word limit. HATE word limits. Just attempting to write something with a word limit is a risk, for me. -___- Lets not include this bit in the actual post. Or let’s do, because ‘tis sort of explanatory. You decide, Dannay. (HEY AUTOCORRECT FIGURED OUT THAT WAS A NAME AND MADE THE D CAPITAL ITSELF! L4wLz) (Let the nickname-coming-up-with to me)


  1. And the humanities video is terrible. It looks like one of those child abuse awareness advertisements.

  2. This was me (Ayla). Daniyal did the orange stuff - the light orange stuff, and the linking. I'm too scared to check the links. And you've just increased my fear.
