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Thursday 17 November 2011

Daniyal saw the Prime Minister, and all he got was this lousy blog post…

    Yeah, I saw the man. Live. In person…  Okay,  so I was sitting in the back row. So what? I still saw him. He was at my school. Not at yours. At  MINE. Be jealous. Or else.
    Maybe it was the distance between us (yes harty har har), but at first he seemed a lot like the guy who plays Gilani on GeoTV. I wondered whether they had sent a double instead. Any doubts were quickly removed when he addressed the audience. No mistaking that -howshallisayit- manner of speaking. I really think he should just speak in Urdu. The Turkish Head of State speaks in Turkish. Same goes for many other European leaders (as in they speak their native languages, not Turkish. That would be weird). But that’s a topic for another day. On with the post. Forward Russia!!
    Before I get ahead of myself, I must remind our readers why the PM was at Aitchison in the first place. If you’re a normal person*, you would already know. But I don’t mind bragging a little more about my school. You see it wasn’t just our school’s Annual (bi-annual now) Founder’s Day; it was our school’s 125th Founder’s Day. In fact, the Principal, as well as the old boys, had organized an All-Star Weekend of sorts and snore snore snore….. Don’t want to bore anyone with the details. Back to the PM.
    When we last left our heroes, Gilani was addressing the audience at the Prize-Giving Ceremony on Founder’s Day. As he was approaching the podium, someone (a student) felt the need to shout out “Jiye Bhutto”. If Ayla remembers, he was also seen chanting a pro-PPP slogan at the MUN dinner last month. Really annoying. An ex-Aitchisonian gave the kid a piece of his mind. And rightly so - if politics was measured in gold (if it was measured at all, that is... “Politics measured?” you must be thinking - just go with the analogy puhlease), our school would be El Dorado. My point is that it’s really not the place to start chanting party slogans.
    After the PM delivered his well-written, badly orated and overall mundane speech, I started wondering whether seeing him live and close up (I got a closer look at the exhibit when it was being drawn away by a carriage) was really that big of a deal. No disrespect to our PRIME MINISTER, but he’s not very rush-inducing (maybe on the road when he stops traffic, but not in person anyway). I didn’t feel the same kind of rush that I felt when I saw Strings up close and LIVE (oh did you hear? They came back for an encore!)  What do you guys think? Is it a big deal? Also, while I’m asking questions, how does it make you feel that, throughout the article, I referred to Aitchison College as “our school”? I mean, for all I know, you might not be an Aitchisonian. More importantly, is Aitchison a school? Its 3 schools, yes. But is it A school? The name points towards the negatory.
    It wasn’t the best 125th anniversary celebration that I’ll ever see. But so far it’s the only one. And I had, and still have, a lot of complaints about the weekend (I like to whine. A separate post should be put up soon regarding these complaints). But still, I’d like to wish our/my school/college a very Happy 125th Birthday, even though it was on the 3rd of November.
    Oh yeah and that Governor dude was there as well!

*normal person in this case means a person watching PTV on Sunday Morning. (they showed the entire thing on TV)

    I sense a (failed) rebuttal. Trying to cover up your trying to get back at me for my GoA post by bragging about your school (or whatever it is) and its anniversary didn’t work. HAHA. Better luck next time, sonny.
    On another note – well, no. Let us not get into talking about whocaresabouththePMgimmeMusharraf(or ImranKhan). <separate post scene>


  1. For anyone who bothered to listen, Gillani and the govna' talked about wanting to set up branches of Aitchison. And also the co-ed thingy.

  2. me? or him/her(depending on who wrote this comment)??

  3. Look closely at my name daniyal. you'll figure it out

  4. zuhair how many accounts are you making???
